What is Sales Enablement?
To each company sales enablement can mean something a little different. However, in general, there is a consensus behind the idea of sales enablement and it’s benefits. Sales enablement is the process of empowering the sales people through content production, training/education, and technology.
Recently the Aberdeen Group did a study of 550 companies and discovered some trends in the “best in class” companies. “Best in class” refers to those companies who have seen increases in sales because of their sales enablement practices. Not surprisingly those companies who practice sales enablement through content production, training/education, and technology, have 56% greater increase in revenue than those companies who do not.
So how does that apply to you as a sales person? If you want your revenue to increase, by more than 50%, you can use these sales enablement tools to do so.
Content production is one of the three things that “best in class” companies do to help their salespeople be more effective. If you’re not already using content, you should be. When you have good content your communication is 64% more effective with your potential customers. What is “good” content you might ask? Think about it, what is it that you like to see? Videos, pitch decks, charts, graphs, anything that will help you communicate the benefits of your product with your potential customers. Content communicates with your customers about the benefits of your product and allows them to better understand why they need it; enabling your salespeople to be more effective.
“Best in Class” companies use training/education as another sales enabling tool. You as the sales person need proper education and training. You need to know what the best practices in your field are and understand the product(s) you are selling. Training and education are crucial to your success. You can become a leader in your field by being properly trained and well educated. Once you have seen the benefits of your own education and training, you can help others. Whether that means recruiting people to your team or just providing mentorship to a less experienced sales person, education and training increases the likelihood of retaining the sales force by 80% over those who have little to no education or training. Sales enablement through education and training is what the “best in class” do.
Finally “best in class” companies use technology as a sales enabling tool. Technology can mean many different things. It could mean the use of technology; the mobile device in your hand or your laptop. It could also mean utilizing insights or metrics, for measuring what content works and what doesn’t. As a tool, and in our case, it means both. Revenue doubles, as found by the Aberdeen Group, when data is measurable and turned into decisions and actions. Metrics are knowing what pitch decks are the most helpful to clients or knowing which training videos are the most watched, the possibilities are endless. The more aware you are of what works, the more effective you can be and the more sales you can make! That’s why technology is used as a sales enabling tool in the “best in class” companies.
Overall the study done by the Aberdeen Group offers valuable insights to the aspiring salesperson and the seasoned professional. We all want to know how to be better at our jobs, how to make more money, how to be more efficient. The trends discovered in this study help us to see what those companies that are considered “best in class” are doing to achieve greater revenue. These successful companies, and ultimately, people, have a strategy that they employ that implements what we see in the study, a focus on three things, good content production, training and education for you as the salesperson, and finally an effective use of technology to improve sales performances.